Driving directions from Hamlin, IA to Bayard, IA

Driving directions between Hamlin, IA and Bayard, IA. Estimated driving time is , with an average speed of about 48 miles per hour. If you want more accurate directions from your actual position or to a certain place or street, you may search street or place names directly.

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Find the directions listed below in order to go from Hamlin, IA to Bayard, IA by car. You can click each direction to see them in the map.

State Highway 44, County Road N32

30.2 mi51 mins

Head east on State Highway 44 (IA 44) 9.5 mi
Turn left onto Chestnut Road 4.0 mi
Turn right onto County Road N32 8.0 mi
Turn left onto County Road N70 1.4 mi
Go straight onto Justice Road 7.1 mi
Turn right onto IA 141 900 feet
Turn left onto Main Street 0.2 mi
Turn left onto 3rd Street 100 feet
You have arrived at your destination, on the right

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