Distance from Okeechobee, FL to Echo Lake, CA

Driving distance between Okeechobee, FL and Echo Lake, CA is 2,978.54 miles (or 4,793.49 kilometers). This guide provides essential information to help you plan effectively for this trip.

If you drove an average car with a fuel efficiency of about 25 miles per gallon (mpg), you would be using approximately 0.04 gallons of gas per mile, and the gas would cost you around $, since you would need about gallons of fuel.

Estimated travel time

Leaving from Okeechobee, FL you would reach Echo Lake, CA in about 1 day 18 hours if you keep an average speed of 65 miles per hour, assuming you don’t make any breaks or get stuck in traffic.

Driving distance in miles

2,979 mi4,793 km


CO2 emissions icon

CO2 emissions: kg

Emission estimated with the eco2 norme
(185 CO2 grams/mile)

This is a map overview of the best driving route from Okeechobee, FL to Echo Lake, CA in which you can see the origin and destination points marked with A (Okeechobee) and B (Echo Lake) respectively as well as blue line along the road route you can take. You can zoom in to see more details, including road numbers and even street names both in Okeechobee, FL and Echo Lake, CA as well as every other town you may pass by on your way.

Fuel consumption if you drive from Okeechobee, FL to Echo Lake, CA

To cover the 2,978.54 mi that separate Echo Lake from Okeechobee you are going to need between of fuel, considering you drive an average car (25 mpg) and , if you drive an SUV or a heavy car (20 mpg). If you drive a fuel efficient car (45 mpg), your consumption will only be .

Cost of driving from Okeechobee, FL to Echo Lake, CA

Depending on the fuel efficiency level of your car, driving from Okeechobee to Echo Lake will cost you between and . An average car would make the trip for . We calculate the route cost using real time average gas prices for the US and other costs such as tolls are not included in this calculation.

Note: This price is subject to change based on current gas rates.

Driving directions

To help you plan your trip from Okeechobee to Echo Lake, we offer a detailed map together with full, turn by turn, driving directions from Okeechobee, FL to Echo Lake, CA.

Flying or direct distance between Okeechobee, FL and Echo Lake, CA

The flying distance represent the straight distance from Okeechobee to Echo Lake, the length of an hypothetical flight trip between the geographic center of Okeechobee, FL and the geographic center of Echo Lake, CA. We also offer nearby airports to both Okeechobee to Echo Lake and a flight ticket price comparison form, in case you want to make that hypothetical flight real :).

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