Flying distance from Alamance, NC to Urbandale, IA

Flying distance between Alamance, NC and Urbandale, IA is miles, and estimated flying time is around , assuming an average flight speed of 560 mph.

If you leave right now from Alamance, NC () you would arrive on to Urbandale, IA.

Flying distance

Flying time

Hypothetical direct
flight time

All the nearest airports to Alamance, NC and Urbandale, IA are listed below. There are 2 airports in or close to Alamance, NC and one airport in Urbandale, IA. The nearest airport to Alamance, NC is Piedmont Triad International Airport, and the nearest airport to Urbandale, IA is Des Moines International Airport.

Airports near Alamance, NC

Piedmont Triad International Airport


26 mi 41 Km

Raleigh Durham International Airport


41 mi 65 Km

Airports near Urbandale, IA

Des Moines International Airport


7 mi 11 Km

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