Flying distance from Granite Bay, CA to Milton, NC

Flying distance between Granite Bay, CA and Milton, NC is miles, and estimated flying time is around , assuming an average flight speed of 560 mph.

If you leave right now from Granite Bay, CA () you would arrive on to Milton, NC.

Flying distance

Flying time

Hypothetical direct
flight time

All the nearest airports to Granite Bay, CA and Milton, NC are listed below. There are 2 airports in or close to Granite Bay, CA and 3 airports in or in driving distance to Milton, NC. The nearest airport to Granite Bay, CA is Sacramento International Airport, and the nearest airport to Milton, NC is Piedmont Triad International Airport.

Airports near Granite Bay, CA

Beale Air Force Base


30 mi 48 Km

Sacramento International Airport


23 mi 38 Km

Airports near Milton, NC

Piedmont Triad International Airport


51 mi 82 Km

Raleigh Durham International Airport


51 mi 83 Km

Roanoke Regional Woodrum Field


69 mi 111 Km

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