Flying distance from Palmer, AK to Chugiak, AK

Flying distance between Palmer, AK and Chugiak, AK is miles, and estimated flying time is around , assuming an average flight speed of 560 mph.

If you leave right now from Palmer, AK () you would arrive on to Chugiak, AK.

Flying distance

Flying time

Hypothetical direct
flight time

All the nearest airports to Palmer, AK and Chugiak, AK are listed below. There is one airport in Palmer, AK and 1 airports in or close to Chugiak, AK. The nearest airport to Palmer, AK is Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport, and the nearest airport to Chugiak, AK is Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport.

Airports near Palmer, AK

Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport


41 mi 67 Km

Airports near Chugiak, AK

Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport


23 mi 36 Km

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