Flying distance from Rush Valley, UT to Van Nuys, CA

Flying distance between Rush Valley, UT and Van Nuys, CA is miles, and estimated flying time is around , assuming an average flight speed of 560 mph.

If you leave right now from Rush Valley, UT () you would arrive on to Van Nuys, CA.

Flying distance

Flying time

Hypothetical direct
flight time

All the nearest airports to Rush Valley, UT and Van Nuys, CA are listed below. There is one airport in Rush Valley, UT and 3 airports in or close to Van Nuys, CA. The nearest airport to Rush Valley, UT is Salt Lake City International Airport, and the nearest airport to Van Nuys, CA is Los Angeles International Airport.

Airports near Rush Valley, UT

Salt Lake City International Airport


38 mi 62 Km

Airports near Van Nuys, CA

Los Angeles International Airport


17 mi 28 Km

Ontario International Airport


50 mi 80 Km

John Wayne Airport-Orange County Airport


49 mi 79 Km

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