Flying distance from West Hartford, VT to Thelma, KY
Flying distance between West Hartford, VT and Thelma, KY is miles, and estimated flying time is around , assuming an average flight speed of 560 mph.
If you leave right now from West Hartford, VT () you would arrive on to Thelma, KY.
All the nearest airports to West Hartford, VT and Thelma, KY are listed below. There is one airport in West Hartford, VT and 2 airports in or close to Thelma, KY. The nearest airport to West Hartford, VT is Manchester Airport, and the nearest airport to Thelma, KY is Tri-State/Milton J. Ferguson Field.
Airports near West Hartford, VT
Manchester Airport
73 mi 117 Km
Airports near Thelma, KY
Yeager Airport
74 mi 120 Km
Tri-State/Milton J. Ferguson Field
39 mi 64 Km